
Showing posts from April, 2016

A Mom's Worry

I’ve kinda been putting this off, as to not piss someone off and frankly, it’s a sad subject. A few nights ago I fell asleep for what seemed like an eternity. It was actually only a couple minutes, but the dream made my heart sink. It was after a lengthy pro-gun vs. anti-gun debate that went sour. I have a weak ability to get my point across; maybe they had a weak ability of not getting offended. Either way, it was about 67 posts deep when I finally just ended up deleting the whole thing. Okay, back to my dream. I dreamed that I was on my way home and took the route going passed my girl’s school. Typically, I wouldn’t do this even though it’s quicker and more efficient but there is this down hill back up the hill part of the road that always makes my Progressive Snapshot thing beep. Drives me batty every time. Anyways, I took this route as I thought it would be recess time and I might get to catch a glimpse of one of my girls in their merry way. Only this time, I didn’t. I turned o