
Showing posts from June, 2015

Thank You

To the man who left, I am not bitter anymore. I don't want to be bitter anymore, and I am stronger than this hold that our situation has on me. Therefore, I am releasing myself from it, and you too. In the the past I have constantly wished ill-will against you; wishing your actions would one day become your misery. Not now though, when I think of yo u, I feel razbliuto. So, instead of being angry at you, I thank you. You may read this one day and feel it's done out of sarcasm, but wholeheartedly, thank you. For not only have I released myself from you, you released me also. I thank you for not fighting for me, giving up, and walking out, because I feel that I am exactly where I am suppose to be. I thank you for the deep-seated wounds; I should loathe you. I cannot, because now I'm courageous, I am enlightened.  As a mother, my most important role, I thank you for them. Not the hereditary part. I truly want to say thank you on their behalf. They are much too young